Drove by a sign today.
It read prescribed burn ahead.
I think this sign has been specifically stationed for the benefit of those driving by, to bring us reassurance and some level of comfort. This fire is by design. It is not an accident, no need to panic. The sign is meant to call attention to the fact that it is a pre-planned event. One in which there is a defined purpose and a scheduled time. Precautions have been taken and firefighters have been assigned to monitor and watch over the burning process, to ensure the burn remains in the designated area and stays under control.
As we drove by, the words lingered in my head. I looked down and realized... I am on fire. Only there was no sign placed in my life to warn me of the upcoming burn. Suddenly though, there were indeed flames and I could feel the suffocating heat and the pain. We have all been there as we encounter a sudden tragedy or are just worn down trying to survive a season in the desert. These fires are unavoidable in life and at some point we find ourselves asking why. As the pain and fatigue increase, I have noticed the increased assault of doubt on my faith. How could this be happening? Where is God? In the midst of my own darkness I have found comfort in reading the stories of those that have gone before me. I am not alone in my questions and confusion...the Bible is filled with people like you and me who cried out to God in the midst of their own burn.
"Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?"
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
"What strength do I have, that I should still hope?"
I believe the words of the sign I read today were a gift and they apply to my journey of faith. My God is in control, He is with me. He is watching over this fiery trial and He will use it to deepen and refine my faith. He sees the flames and where they are burning. Though there were not signs posted to warn me of the upcoming trial, God knew and He has given me signs in the Bible to sustain me. He has given me promises of specific truth to comfort me and remind me of His presence in the burn...but I have to look for them and remind myself of them. Sometimes, though, I am too weak to search for them. Thankfully I have several friends who help remind me of the signs Jesus has posted for me, encouraging me with truth for my journey. I am confident that He is using these fires to burn off that which is of no use to me or my faith. He longs to take me to a more intimate, deep place of faith. I cannot see Him or understand all of the reasons why, but I trust His goodness and His love. He used this sign today to remind me of truth, and for that I am grateful.
"Though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls" IPeter 1:6-9
Anyone else on fire?? Praying for you, my friends. Praying your eyes will be opened to see the signs posted for the benefit of your beautiful, precious faith...
This is such a strong life metaphor -- and such good God Truth in it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging honesty.
And, the blog looks so awesome!!!!
loved this analogy of life and suffering. well written, powerful words of truth given. thanks for taking the time to write it. and LOVE the cute look of the blog!!
ReplyDeletea controled burn, "thank you Lord for speaking your truth and promise to and through Julie!" You've got me smiling ear to ear with tears in my eyes girl! I miss you and so much wish we lived closer, to walk hand in hand more literally:). The image of being refined by fire has always been a good heart reminder in times of trial, but now I get to add "controled burn" to the heart reminder, thank you! Next time I come down south, I AM going to see you!